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Club Runs are at the heart of our offer, and take place every Sunday morning, departing from the clubhouse at 08:30 in the Summer, and 09:00 in the Winter. Routes vary from week to week, with distances of anything between 30mi/45km through to 70mi/100km or more; however, on weeks where a longer ride is planned, we try to offer a shorter alternative as well.

These are a great opportunity to enjoy the scenic and undulating roads in Surrey and the surrounding counties, to meet other cyclists and enjoy some coffee, cake and conversation at one of the many excellent local cafés.

Despite a common route and choice of café, we organise ourselves into smaller groups that follow the route at different speeds.  This ensures we don’t create too large a group of cyclists on the road, and means we can cater to riders with varying levels of experience and fitness.

Club Runs are a great way for prospective members to get a feel for the Club before joining – and we offer non-members two free rides so you can see if its for you. If you want to come along and give it a try, please contact us, with your membership enquiry.

Details of the weekly club run route(s), and all our events, are available to members via the Spond app.