Meet our team

Whether you’re an existing member, or you’re thinking of joining us, the Committee are here to help. Please get in touch with any of us if you have any questions or concerns.

Club Committee

Jon Goodge


Andy Milner


Will Readhead

General Secretary

Duncan Ross


Michelle Baeten

Diversity & Inclusion

Charlie Allison

Welfare Officer

Neil Herbert

Communications & Deputy Welfare Officer

Gareth Smith

Social Secretary

Jonathan Dobson

Membership Secretary

Gavin Watson

Racing Secretary

Rupert Chase

Meeting Secretary

Michelle Sharland

Young Rider Development

Other Officers

Austin Bell

Town Centre Race Organiser

James Curry

Kit Manager

Paul Wheeler

CTT Representative

Nathan Kelly

Club Recorder

Matt Legge

Historian / Archivist

Paul Batchelor

Historian / Archivist

Olivier Goor

Trophy Custodian